Goku and Piccolo throw everything they've got against Raditz, but it seems that even their combined power stops short of Raditz's own strength. Both get injured and Piccolo even loses an arm. However, Piccolo has an idea that might beat him: the Special Beam Cannon, his newest and most powerful technique. But, he has to power up to make it work. He requires five minutes to gather the strength, and Goku does his best to give him that. Despite the fact that the two drastically raise their power levels with heavy concentration, they do not manage to defeat Raditz using their attacks. Suddenly, Goku does manage to grab Raditz's tail, instantly weakening him. Raditz surrenders and Goku releases his tail. However, Raditz quickly attacks Goku again elbowing him in the face and crushing his chest. As Raditz prepares to kill Goku, he suddenly picks up an enormous power level coming from Gohan.