Goku and Gohan arrive at Master Roshi's island to meet Bulma, Krillin, Master Roshi, and Turtle. Quickly the others notice the difference between Gohan's behavior and that of Goku as a child. Goku informs his friends that Chi Chi refuses to allow Gohan to fight, instead he studies constantly. The same mysterious alien arrives at the island and reveals himself: he is a Saiyan warrior named Raditz, and he is Goku's older brother. He also reveals that Goku's real Saiyan name is Kakarrot. Goku learns that he was sent to destroy all life on Earth, but his memory loss from a terrible fall as a child prevented this outcome. Raditz came to Earth to get Goku to join him and the other two remaining Saiyans, and he won't accept a refusal.