In a flashback, Risu reports on an implied assassination for the Cross-Eyes, only for his friend Aikawa to interfere and attack the gangsters. Aikawa warns Risu against affiliating with the Cross-Eyes, but Risu argues against it; despite attending a sorcerey school Risu is still unable to produce any magic smoke, and feels that the Cross-Eyes' rumored research in Berith is the only hope for people who can't use magic. In the present, Risu heads to Berith in search of his killer. An unwilling Caiman is forced to defend himself against Nikaido, but refuses to seriously fight back; Nikaido beats Caiman severely, taunting him by confirming that she is a sorcerer. Hallucinating from a concussion and his legs crushed, Caiman tries to crawl to safety but blacks out; Nikaido pursues but is stabbed in the back by an unseen man she doesn't recognize...