The Black Pterosaur starts attacking the city as Seth and Dr. Z are rescued from the rubble. The D-Team and Alpha Gang summon their dinosaurs and combine their attacks to break into the Dark Pterosaur. Inside, Spiny and Tank got defeated by Armatus and Maximus. When the good Pterosaur protects them, Chomp, Ace and Paris combine their attacks to defeat Maximus and Armatus, Gigas and Terry defeat each other after their attacks collided, and when Brontikens tried to attack them, Chomp Ace, and Paris combined their Ultimate Moves to defeat Brontikens. When the D-Team reunites with their parents on the Space Pirate's Timeship, Seth takes Jonathan's timeship with the help of the Pterosaur, he defeats the Dark Pterosaur. However, Seth becomes unconscious as a result of charging head-on into it. After the damages caused by the Dark Pterosaur are undone, The D-Team (except Rex), Dr. Owen, Dr. Taylor, Reese, Dr. Drake says goodbye to Rex, his "true" parents, the Alpha Gang as they go on to the future and The 2 D-Team members says Rex and the "A" gang to take care of their dinosaurs. As for the Space Pirates, they are floating about in time-space in Spectre's pod.