When Gavro, Foolscap and Sheer return and unleashes Gigas, Armatus, and Maximus, Jonathan rescues the D-Team in the nick of time. Spectre, Gavro, Foolscap, and Sheer directly negotiates with the D-Team. But after it fails, they attack them. The D-Team and the Alpha Gang manage to escape by going into the Jurassic time period. Meanwhile, Seth appears to the kids to appeal for help from the Space Pirates even quoting that Spectre forced him to create Gigas, Armatus, and Maximus. However, it was just a trick to steal the Cosmos Stones, which he successfully does. Gavro attacks and unleashes Gigas resulting in Max and Rex armoring up Chomp and Ace. Gavro then has Gigas set the nearby forest on fire with its Magma Blaster attack. Seth escapes onto the Space Pirates Timeship. Max and Rex withdraw their dinosaurs and are beamed up by Jonathan.