The D-Team and the Alpha Gang end up in Ancient Persia, where they find Gavro using his Afrovenator to get into a secret cave. After Gavro leaves, Max was able to guess the right password to get in. When in the cave, the D-Team encounter an Arabian girl named Princess Zara (who was recently captured by the Forty Thieves) and an activated Isisaurus who she referred to as a Genie, since its card activated in a lamp she found when water hit it. As the D-Team are led to where the Red Cosmos Stone is, Dr. Z and the Alpha Gang are also in the cave. The Alpha Gang try to claim some of the treasure when Gavro returns and unleashes Afrovenator. Ursula uses Spiny, but Spiny's defeat causes the cave to slowly cave in as Gavro and Afrovenator confront the D-Team. Rex summons Ace to fight the Afrovenator. Ace defeats the Afrovenator as the cave-in occurs; the Alpha Gang are taken prisoners by the Forty Thieves, and the D-Team, Isisaurus, and Zara get caught in a sandstorm once they leave