With the British Military attacking, Dr. Z activates the pirate ship's submarine mode to evade them. Upon arriving on the next island, the D-Team are then ambushed by Sheer and her Megaraptor. During battle, Chomp and the Megaraptor fall into the sea. As Blackbeard finds a water-filled cave and sails into it, Sheer recalls the Megaraptor. A booby trap leaves the island half-submerged as Jimmy recovers the real map from Blackbeard. After finding the real location of the treasure, the D-Team are attacked by Sheer who activates her Megaraptor. The D-Team unleashes Chomp, Ace, and Paris to fight it. Ace defeats the Megaraptor, but Sheer captures the Blue Cosmos Stone. Blackbeard and his crew are arrested by the British Military and Jimmy is reunited with his father.And before going in the timeship, Jimmy gives Zoe a kiss.