Realizing that prolonging the fight might cause the caves to collapse and kill the prisoners, Mikey Kudo, Angie Hinomoto, and Jeremy Tsurgi decides to surrender. Mikey gives AncientVolcanomon a fake Fusion Loader. With Shoutmon the only member of the Fusion Fighters not to realize the deception, Mikey explains that the surrender allows them to find the prisoners. Once at the cell, Cutemon learns from a Prairiemon that his parents have transferred to a different facility with Mikey and Dorulumon convincing him that there is still hope as his parents are still alive. Eventually motivating the prisoners to help them, the Fusion Fighters start to dig their way through the walls with Dorulumon deciding to help out of respect for Mikey's resolve. By that time, AncientVolcanomon soon learns the Fusion Loader is a fake from SkullMeramon as he and an army of RedMeramon attempt to capture the escapees. Though Shoutmon ×2 manages to defeat SkullMeramon's group, he is easily defeated by AncientVolcanomon who proves to be a match for even Shoutmon ×4. After a failed attempt to hinder AncientVolcanomon with the Agumons' DigiCard, Mikey tells Shoutmon ×4 to plug up the volcano on his opponent's back. While AncientVolcanomon suffers from magma build up, he is knocked into a nearby volcano. As the sun rises, the Fusion Fighters encounter one of the Bagra Army's three generals named Tactimon. Tactimon learns that Dorulumon was in the Magma Zone aiding the Fusion Fighters. Tactimon reveals that Dorulumon was once his right hand man in the Bagra Army.