Neptunemon uses Archelomon as ransom for the Code Crown and DigiCards. Before Mikey Kudo and Angie Hinomoto can give up the items, Christopher Aonuma heard of the Fusion Fighters' progress from Nene Amano. Christopher arrives on MailBirdramon and takes out some of the Seadramon while offering to deal with all the other Seadramon in return for the DigiCards. Mikey turns down the offer, but he thanks Christopher for taking out some of their opponents. Mikey uses MarineAngemon's DigiCard to summon a bunch of MarineAngemon who uses Kahuna Waves to subside the Seadramon and Neptunemon. Using Syakomon and her kin as a bridge, Shoutmon ×2 carries Mikey and Jeremy Tsurgi toward Neptunemon with Jeremy using the Rare Star Sword to free Archelomon. Neptunemon then knocks them into the water and has the Seadramon freeze the ocean surface to trap them. As the fight was disrupting his fishing, Dorulumon arrives to free the Fusion Fighters and Archelomon. Shoutmon, Ballistamon, and Dorulumon with the Star Sword are DigiFused into Shoutmon ×4. Shoutmon ×4 ends up fighting against Neptunemon’s sentient King Bite spear. Shoutmon ×4 ultimately uses Neptunemon as a shield against his own weapon. Though a dying Neptunemon makes one final attempt to kill everyone, KingWhamon saves the Fusion Fighters. Tactimon is infuriated by the turn of events. As Christopher departs to let the Fusion Fighters make his job of harvesting more Code Crowns easier for him, ChibiTortomon officially joins the Fusion Fighters. Mikey is unable to convince Dorulumon to join the Fusion Fighters team.