After Tactimon and the other two Digimon generals meet with their shadowed leader named Bagramon over the matter of the new humans, Tactimon gives MadLeomon a final chance to redeem himself while sending a Drimogemon into the Forest Zone. At that time, Shoutmon provides an insignia. Mikey Kudo, Angie Hinomoto, and Jeremy Tsurgi are in discussion of their team name when a bunch of giant bamboo shoots rises from the ground surrounding the Village of Light. Jijimon reveals this as an event that has occurred prematurely. With Jeremy caught on top of one of the bamboo shoots, Mikey attempts to save him when the mysterious boy named Christopher Aonuma appears. Christopher wants Mikey to serve him as a member of the Blue Flare Army. With Mikey more interested in saving Jeremy, it resulted with Shoutmon and the others fighting a losing battle against MailBirdramon. After Mikey refuses on the ground of him mistreating a Golemon he summoned to aid MailBirdramon, Christopher departs just as MadLeomon attacks with several Apemon and a Pteramon. Upon confronting Shoutmon ×2, MadLeomon absorbs the Apemon to become MadLeomon Final Mode. MadLeomon Final Mode takes advantage of the bamboo shoots to overpower Shoutmon ×2. With Cutemon appearing to help get the Light Village residents to safety, Dorulumon aids Shoutmon ×2. Jeremy uses the Star Sword to destroy Drimogemon so the bamboo shoots can return underground. MadLeomon initiates a self-destruct sequence to take out everyone after he is defeated by Shoutmon ×2 and Dorulumon. Mikey remembers his dream during the Digimon battle. Dorulumon, Shoutmon, and Ballistamon are DigiFused to form Shoutmon ×3. Shoutmon ×3 knocks MadLeomon into the air to destroy him for good. As Dorulumon and Cutemon leave, Mikey names his group as the Fusion Fighters before they notice a microchip descending from MadLeomon's demise. The Fusion Fighters are then approached by the mysterious girl. The mysterious girl introduces herself as Nene Amano and explains the item is a Code Crown.