The Yellow Moon explodes and debris from the explosion destroys the other two moons, killing all of the Digimon on them. Lucemon leaves, satisfied with what he has accomplished, not knowing that the gang has survived. Takuya and Koji are rescued by Patamon, Lopmon and Salamon who bring them back to the others who have once again lost hope. Trying to figure out how to defeat Lucemon, the Celestial Digimon reveal that the key is to combine Light and Darkness, but don't know how that is supposed to be done. Lucemon travels to the Dark Area at the core of the Digital World and uses the chaos there to start to build a portal to the human world. On a piece of one of the moons, Koji confronts Koichi about what has been bothering him and though Koichi doesn't tell him, he does ask Koji to go see their mother when everything is over. At the same time, Bokomon tells the rest of the group about how Crusadermon revealed that Koichi is only in the Digital World as a spirit and it has been haunting him and they theorize that it is because of how he came into the world: they came on Trailmon but Koichi fell down some stairs and then was suddenly there. Seeing the data streams Lucemon is sending out into space to create his portal, the group has Patamon, Lopmon and Salamon push the rock they are on towards the Dark Area and are shocked when a portal starts to form and shows Shibuya...