The gang arrives on the Yellow Moon where all but Takuya and Koji despair over the fate of the Digital World and believe it is over. At the same time, Koichi is haunted by Crusadermon's revelation that he is only a spirit in the Digital World. In the remains of the Digital World, Lucemon meets with the Royal Knights and is annoyed by their demanding the key to reaching and ruling the human world and Crusadermon's lack of faith in his promise to give it to them. Lucemon orders them to travel to the moon and kill the gang. On the moon, the group finds the Dig-Eggs from the Village of Beginnings which have been relocated to the moon and play with the Digimon that have hatched from them. Two Digi-Eggs hatch and the Digimon digivolve into Lopmon and Salamon who make friends with and play with Patamon. Bokomon realizes that the two are actually the reborn Cherubimon and Ophanimon and the gang is happy because they have forgiven each other for their past transgressions and have the chance to grow up together as friends. This increases their determination to restore the Digital World. However, the babies all run away and the three Celestial Digimon reveal that the Royal Knights are on their way and the group wonders whether to run or fight. Takuya reflects back on all they have been through and decides to fight and the others agree...