The Royal Knights head for the Autumn Leaf Fair in the Ice Area to scan the data watched by Sepikmon through his Spirit Boomerang. Using a satellite dish created by Datamon, Takuya and Koji explain to him that there are only two areas left: the Ice Area and the Light Area where Ophanimon's Castle is. However, no one has ever been able to find the data to that area so they know the Royal Knights will head to the Fair first. At the same time, Zoe, Bokomon, Neemon and Patamon evacuate the town's residents while J.P. moves parts of the town around to break up the Fractal Code and Tommy and Koichi work with the Toucanmon (who are now fans of the gang rather than Ranamon) to build a snow catapult to be able to do something to help in the fight to come. As the Knights approach, an army of Digimon made up of Zanbamon, Gryphonmon, Pteramon, GranKuwagamon and five Airdramon arrive to try to stop them, but are easily destroyed. Takuya and Koji quickly evolve to EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon to help, but only get there in time to save two Airdramon. The two battle the Royal Knights, assisted by their friends with the catapult. The others succeed in hitting Crusadermon as she battles EmperorGreymon, but Dynasmon tackles him against the town's furnace while MagnaGarurumon picks up the fight with Crusadermon...