Making his way through Sakkakumon, Agunimon enters the Steel Sphere where he is confronted by a manifestation of Mercurymon himself. In the Steel Sphere which is Mercurymon's element and with Mercurymon able to reflect attacks and manifest himself in any mirror, Agunimon is no match for him and follows him to the Light Sphere where Mercurymon is keeping Seraphimon's Fractal Code. Mercurymon uses the Fractal Code to evolve into ShadowSeraphimon and easily defeats both Agunimon and BurningGreymon. As the others desperately try to get back in again, Bokomon's pleas cause Seraphimon's Digi-Egg to give Takuya the power to Fusion Evolve to Aldamon. As Aldamon, Takuya is more than a match for ShadowSeraphimon and he retrieves Seraphimon's Fractal Code and returns it to his Digi-Egg. Aldamon follows Mercurymon back to the Steel Sphere where he easily defeats him and collects the Human Spirit of Steel, though Mercurymon survives in the form of Sakkakumon. Exiting Sakkakumon, Takuya reunites with the others in time for Seraphimon's egg to hatch as Patamon.