Traveling towards the Rose Morning Star, the group is thrown out of their Trailmon outside the Continent of Darkness as the Trailmon is afraid of it and even Bokomon doesn't have any information on it. In the darkness, everything is initially scary to the group, but after they find out everything is actually not so bad, they cheer up. At the same time, Cherubimon's Evil Legendary Warriors are visited by Cherubimon himself and they turn over the Fractal Code they have collected, except for Seraphimon's. Cherubimon is aware of this, but allows Mercurymon to keep it for now and sends Arbormon to destroy the kids. Duskmon confronts Mercurymon who he has figured out wants to rule himself and is using the others to do his dirty work until the right time comes to strike. Duskmon considers getting involved in the fights for once. Arbormon suddenly attacks the group, destroying some nearby Pipismon and evolving into Petaldramon. The kids Beast Spirit evolve, but Petaldramon eats a tree and grows to giant size, becoming more than a match for the group. Finally, with some teamwork, they manage to overpower Petaldramon and a combined attack from BurningGreymon and Zephyrmon finishes him. Lobomon gets his Beast Spirit and they give Arbormon the chance to surrender. However, Duskmon shows up and destroys Arbormon as he is now useless without his Beast Spirit and prepares to confront the Legendary Warriors himself.