On her way home from a lacrosse match, the royal vehicle of Princess Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi passes by the scene of a young mother having her infant daughter confiscated by the state for being a "Norma", a person unable to use Mana. Ange approaches the mother and enrages her further by giving a propagandist anti-Norma sentiment. That evening, Ange's mother Sophia Ikaruga Misurugi gives her a ring to mark her Baptism Ritual, a coming-of-age ceremony linked to her ascension to the throne. On the day of the Baptism Ritual, her brother Julio Asuka Misurugi reveals to the audience that Ange is actually a Norma herself. Sophia helps her escape, her sister Sylvia Ikaruga Misurugi faints from the shock, her father Jurai Asuka Misurugi is restrained and imprisoned. And Julio then caresses her sister's lips, muttering about his desire to "re-establish the purity of the royal bloodline" and declares himself the new Emperor. Sophia is killed while trying to help her daughter escape, and Ange is hauled away to an island prison called Arzenal where she is forcibly recruited into the military.