Following Keita's sudden death, Hibiki remains visibly shaken due to the fact that they couldn't prevent it. As Merak arrives in the city, Yamato has JP's members move Hibiki into position to intercept it. At the Shin Juso Ohashi Bridge, the Japanese military tries and fails in their attack against Merak while Botis and "The Anguished One" discuss the state of affairs. With of the loss of most of Osaka's spiritual barriers, Merak fully manifests itself and makes its way to the final barrier at the Tsūtenkaku Tower. Meanwhile, as Hibiki is deployed into the field, Hinako and Io discuss his mental state due to Keita's death. Meanwhile at the Umeda Sky Building, JP's summoners try to stop Merak with a swarm of Itsumade but it kills them all in an instant. As Io heads to Hibiki's location, Merak then launches a devastating ice attack, at the "Tsutenkaku" barrier, which survives, but the attack leaves a path of destruction and kills many more people, upsetting Hibiki. Not wanting any more people to die, Hibiki abandons his post and proceeds further up the battleground to confront Merak. Io arrives just as Hibiki departs and prompting Yamato to use her as Hibiki's replacement at the defensive line...