Mayu and Harada have not yet been sent on and are still in Ginti's bar. Ginti gives Mayu the opportunity to choose another human soul to be sent into the void in exchange for Harada who is unconscious. Concurrently, Decim asks Chiyuki to perform some ice skating, having noticed it was a large part of her memories. As she skates, Chiyuki regains her memories in which she used to be a professional ice skater until a severe knee injury forced her to retire. This led her to become severely depressed and kill herself. Decim and Chiyuki have a final drink together, but he puts her to sleep and then asks Quin to send him her memories. Meanwhile, Mayu has decided to stay with Harada and share his fate rather than sacrifice another person in his place. Ginti questions her devotion to Harada, and she just says it is her choice. He sends them off in the elevator together, and as they turn into dummies, Harada wakes up enabling them to have a last embrace before entering the void.