After winning a special lottery, Makoto Naegi, an average student, enrolls at the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy for talented high school students. The moment Makoto steps inside the school grounds, however, he falls unconscious and later wakes up in a classroom littered with security cameras and steel plates. Following a note's instruction to assemble in the gym, Makoto finds fourteen other unique students in a similar situation, including a school idol from his old middle school, Sayaka Maizono. It is at this point that the self-proclaimed headmaster, a remote-controlled bear named Monokuma, appears before them, announcing that the students will be staying in the school for the rest of their lives and can only "graduate" by killing another student. Rejecting this idea, the students spend the next few days searching the school grounds to try to find an alternative exit. Deciding everyone needs a motive to kill, Monokuma shows each student a personalized DVD motivating them to try to escape at any cost; in Makoto's case, a video of his family being put in danger. As Sayaka is also unnerved by the contents of her video, Makoto tries to calm her down, promising that he will find a way to get both of them out.