The students of the academy still seem to be awestruck that Mina is a vampire princess and Akira is her servant. Yuki volunteers to assist an unskilled Mina in the nutrition class, even though the latter claims to be well educated in various cooking utensils. When the two present Akira with their culinary creation, they are interrupted by a television broadcast reports that the prime minister Katsuichi Mizoguchi is against the Special Zone Establishment Bill and wants to dissolve the assembly. Yuki later notices that Mina is wearing the ring she gave to Akira as a gift, however Mina blatantly remarks that the sole purpose of Akira is to serve and protect her, despite what his relationship was with Yuki. Ryohei shows Akira photos confirming the rumors about Nanami being attacked by vampires, suspecting Mina to be the culprit. Come nightfall, after Akira thanks Yuki for helping Mina prepare the meal for him, they are suddenly ambushed by zombie vampires, surprisingly wearing the same school uniform as them. Meanwhile, Mina goes to see Mizoguchi, trying to convince him to back down from his opposition toward the Special Zone Establishment Bill, but to no luck. During a downpour, while Akira is brutally beaten by the zombie vampires, Mei Ren steps in at the last moment and takes on the band with ease. Akira and Yuki escape into a warehouse to dry their clothes. While Akira says that his memories returned after seeing Mina, Yuki admits that she saw the two when they were first attacked. It is revealed that Mina sent Nella to kidnap Shinya Mizoguchi, the prime minister's grandson, after he refused to reason with Mina.