Nina treats her platoon members to dinner at a restaurant, after having lost a wager made by Sharnid during their practice with training balls earlier in the day. Sharnid chances upon Dinn Dee, the captain of the 10th Platoon, who is also at the restaurant, but the latter is upset that the former left his platoon. After recalling his time spent in the 10th Platoon, Sharnid spots Dalsiena Che Matelna and starts to follow her in the streets. Naruki drags Layfon to a crime scene where they have people using overload cornered in a garage. An unknown redheaded male busts through with a katana and escapes. In the flashback, after the bridge has deteriorated, Ramis is traumatized by the sight of a thousand eyes. Luckily, Ailain is able to eradicate them all. During their battle, Layfon finds out that the redheaded male is Haia Salinban Lyia, leader of the Salinban Mercenary Training Group. Haia breaks Layfon's adamandite sword, but Layfon beats Haia off the roof into a nearby store, sending a kei blast and causing an explosion. Meanwhile, Dalsiena apprehend Sharnid on a rooftop, asking why he left the 10th Platoon and why he broke his vow. Myunfa Rufa shoots a bow and arrow at Layfon as a distraction, and this allows both Haia and Myunfa to make a run for it. The two break into Gorneo's room, much to Shante's irritation. Leerin and Derek are summoned by Queen Alsheyra, in which Leerin asks if Layfon can ever come back to Glendan.