Kokonotsu arrives at the shop to find Hotaru blindfolded. She challenges him to a blind taste test using various flavors of fugashi; she also includes the stipulation that the taster has to have their hands tied behind their back so as to not cheat by identifying the snack just based on texture. The two guess each flavor fed to them correctly, but Kokonotsu tries to trick Hotaru with a rare flavor of fugashi when the ones they were tasting run out. Much to his dismay, she still guesses it correctly. When it is Kokonotsu's turn, however, Hotaru complains of dry mouth and runs off to buy a drink, leaving him blindfolded and tied up. Yō, unluckily, returns to the shop before Hotaru and incorrectly infers the situation. Afterwards, Tō and Kokonotsu meet up at Cafe Endō. Tō notices Kokonotsu's doodles of the girls and literally draws attention to the difference in their breast size. Upon returning to the sweets shop, Kokonotsu bumps into Hotaru and realizes he left his notebook with the drawings at the shop. Hotaru, sensing Kokonotsu's predicament, tosses him a box of Glico caramel as the two use the kilocalories in the candy to race back to the cafe as fast as they can. Hotaru, however, runs out of candy and energy when the two are 300 meters away; Hotaru offers him her last piece as she collapses from exhaustion. As Kokonotsu makes it to the cafe, he unfortunately meets Saya already looking at the doodles.