In Road's dream world, Lavi cuts down his comrades as he tries to ignore their pleas. While he debates his responsibilities as a bookman and his other self he defeated by his illusionary friends and lapse into unconsciousness. Road reveals Lavi was never injured, but went into shock because he believed his friends stabbed him. She releases Lavi, now controlled by his bookman heart, and orders Allen to kill him, otherwise Lenalee and Chaoji will die by her candles. Under Road’s control Lavi attacks Allen who refuses to fight back and instead, stabs Road, but she is uninjured as it is not her true from. Allen is engulfed in Lavi’s Fire Seal flames, but realizes that the heat is not affecting him. The candles surrounding Lenalee and Chaoji begin to melt instead. Lavi regains control of his body and engulfs Road in flame. She still seems uninjured until a blade pierces her body. Back in Road's dream world, Lavi realized that Allen was the true Road. He succeeds in damaging her but he then starts to fade away.