As Lavi and Lenalee travel through the air with Lavi's hammer they see Timcanpy being attacked by Akuma and save the golden golem. Timcanpy leads Lavi and Lenalee follow Timcanpy back to the bamboo forest. Allen is gone so Timcanpy shows them what happened causing leaving them distraught. When they return to the port, a man from the Asian Branch named Won explains that Allen was found and is being held at their headquarters but is not clear if Allen is dead or alive and that the Exorcists are to continue their journey to Japan immediately, without seeing Allen. They are introduced to his replacement, Miranda Lotto, who uses her anti-Akuma weapon, Time Record, to restore the badly damaged ship to its original condition and the Exorcists finally depart China. Meanwhile Allen, thinking he is dead, sees an unreal world with a lake that reflects a black moon, the Black Order in ruins and Lenalee crying alone with what appears to be Allen's corpse, only to awaken in the Asian branch, still alive.