Dengue Fever: The cells complain to Mast Cell when she releases excess histamines for a minor problem and causes inflammation, making her angry and vow not to do her job. The body gets bitten by a mosquito that sucks out several blood cells, then infects the body with the Dengue virus. The virus takes over Langerhans cells and they attack the body. Despite seeing the damage, Mast Cell refuses to release histamines until Basophil tells her to do what she thinks is right...
Acne: U-1146 investigates a pore that turned into a pimple and finds acne bacteria have enslaved the hair and sebum producing cells to keep them fed on sebum. The bacteria had also killed several Neutrophils and turned them into pus. A young hair cell almost gives in to despair and says they are only one hair and unimportant, but U-1146 tells him every individual is important...