At the completion of the fashion show, Miriam Bardo reveals a new type of advanced female battle android to the world. They open fire on the audience displaying amazing agility, speed and power and can even heal themselves during battle and easily defeat the Armored Riot Squad who goes to the rescue. Meanwhile, Masato tells Maki how he found that Tonoyama was behind boat explosion, and how he turned to crime and the underworld. He became an international arms dealer called Harry and has embedded his control program into the logic core of the Neo Tokyo Tower. Masato then kills Tonoyama and asks Maki to join him, but she refuses. Team Warrior manages to escape through the sewers and arrive at the noodle store. They then confront the police chief over his corruption, recording his confession. Team Warrior then goes to Neo Tokyo Tower where Maki tells them to destroy the logic core of the tower which controls the battle androids and they save the day. Later, a new police chief is appointed, looking a lot like Ruby.