Maki dresses the girls up in school uniforms and sends them on a field trip to the Sukurada factory which manufactures the Mecha Cops. They do not find much, but they do discover some important people are involved, including the former prime minister Shiguru Tonoyama. In a flashback it is shown that Maki was offered the job to lead the Warrior team to remove her from the black diamond investigation. Miriam Bardo, a famous fashion designer arrives in Neo Tokyo to put on a fashion show and Maki recognizes the scar on her partner's had as the same as on her fiancee Masato, obtained when he saved her from a crazed gunman. The designer is really Ruby, who has smuggled black diamonds into Japan for Tonoyama. Meanwhile Rio and Nanvel infiltrate the factory and discover the illegal manufacture of battle androids. Maki confronts her chief with the evidence, but he does nothing so she and Team Warrior take matters into their own hands. They become involved in a shoot-out with the battle androids, but when the Armored Riot Squad arrives, Team Warrior are accused of being terrorists as well and come under fire. Meanwhile Masato reveals himself to Maki as being the mastermind behind the diamond smuggling operation.