Ryōta attempts to inquire Himiko about her case full of food, but she runs away in the bushes. When Ryōta tries to locate her, he instead stumbles upon a man named Kiyoshi Taira defecating in the bushes. Kiyoshi explains that he was also approached by two men after which he woke up on a cargo plane with a small crowd of people, who are all informed by a cheerful man on screen about their participation in a death game on the tropical island. After they all learned that the objective of completing the game is to collect IC chips from eight other participants after they are killed, many of them were infuriated, but masked men aboard the plane armed with stun guns subdued them. Ryōta was the most outspoken of the group and seemed to know the man in charge, but he was shocked in the head with a stun gun, which explained his lost memories. The plane reached the island and the participants were thrown out with parachutes. Ryōta realizes that Tyrannos Japan, the group who created Btooom!, was most likely responsible for this. As Ryōta and Kiyoshi decide to team up to improve their odds, they notice another plane dropping food supplies onto the island. When Ryōta races after a food supply, a woman named Misako Hōjō reaches it first, only for her to be killed by a trap set by a man, who takes it and leaves. Ryōta and Kiyoshi then contemplate on whether they should pursue another parachute, but they eventually decide to do so since they would not be able to defend themselves if their strength is low. Upon reaching the parachute, they discover a small boy covered in blood who appears to have killed another man after the food supply.