A police squad confronts Valkyria in an attempt to question her. This provokes her to unleash her antimatter magic which incinerates the mountain they were on. As this occurs, one of the witches, Hatsuna Wakabayashi, recovers from her wounds thanks to her regeneration ability and sneaks away from the police at the crime scene. Looking upon what happened, the girls tell Ryōta that Valkyria is an ultimate hybrid with eight different types of magic. Knowing that a fight with Valkyria is out of their league, they think of a strategy to avoid her. Hatsuna, who overheard Valkyria has detected witches at an observatory, goes searching for them. She finds the club members faking their deaths so as to protect themselves. Hatsuna is then welcomed to the astronomy club and goes to wash at the onsen. While there, the girls tell Hatsuna how reliable Ryōta is. Testing if he really is trustworthy, she pretends to be helplessly stuck on a radio tower and calls Ryōta to get her. She deliberately slips off and Ryōta grabs her. Refusing to let go, in spite of her regeneration power. Ryōta swings her back onto the tower but sends him falling to the ground. Luckily, Kotori saves him, at which point relieves Hatsuna. Touched by Ryōta's actions, Hatsuna bluntly confesses and kisses him in front of the others. This causes Neko to blast down the tower in jealousy. Later, Kogorō calls in Ryōta with a theory that the witches' melting condition is based on a digestive enzyme: protease. Using a thesis that he learned from a man (Chisato) in college, it's possible to shorten the time on producing the medicine, however, it will still take a month. Valkyria - whose real name is Mako Fujisaki - is sightseeing when Chisato appears before her. Revealing to have unrequited feelings for him, Chisato requests Mako to bring him to where #1107 is. Ryōta returns with the bittersweet news, although there is a possibility for one of the witches can survive, none of them are willing to sacrifice the others for it. Kotori carries some juices then accidentally spills them on Neko. Exposing her chest, Ryōta rediscovers the birthmark on her breast and that she actually is Kuroneko. Crying in tears of joy, Ryōta reconciles with Neko and declares that he will help fill in her empty memories. They spot a helicopter coming their way and before they can escape, Mako appears who to Ryōta looks identical to Neko (albeit with white hair).