At Hijiridani High School, Misuzu Arito has taken the nickname of Panuru, her friend who had a great love for the world, but was killed by a serial killer. Misuzu pretends to accept fate, but secretly knows that she is not like Panuru. When her friend Yoko Sasaoka talks about the disappearance of Jounouchi, Misuzu introduces her to Masami Saotome, a shinigami, who kills her while promising to relieve her sadness. Nagi Kirima confronts Misuzu about her actions, but is ignored, so the shinigami sets a trap. However, Boogiepop appears first and confronts Misuzu over her duplicity, leaving her distraught. She runs for help, only to meet a policeman who slaughters her and takes her body just as Kirima appears.