Tsukishima, revealing that he can use his Fullbring on inanimate objects as well, hits Byakuya's zanpakuto, thus learning all he needs to know about Byakuya's weaknesses. Meanwhile, Rukia fights against Riruka and gets her body trapped in a stuffed animal, and attempting to fight with kido was ineffective. Riruka tells about how the Fullbringers, through their tragic childhood pasts, were gathered together to form Xcution. Using this distraction as an opportunity, Rukia touches Riruka with her zanpakuto, but Riruka, unable to dodge Rukia, uses a special ability from her Fullbring to vanish while causing Rukia to collapse. Meanwhile, Tsukishima is able to overwhelm Byakuya and manages to inflict a serious injury. However, Byakuya shoots out his bankai from his hand, piercing Tsukishima's chest. Before Tsukishima falls to the ground, Byakuya thanks him for an exciting battle.