Orihime and Chad find Rukia, Nemu and Rangiku washed up on the shore of the river. As Orihime goes to heal them, Chad is attacked by Renji's reigai. In the Soul Society, Ukitake and Kyōraku's reigai confront Yamamoto, who claims he has known all along about their intent to kill him. Unohana meets with Isane Kotetsu and explains to her that she has gone through secret archives of the Soul Society and has determined Inaba as the perpetrator. Inaba then reveals himself and demonstrates the power of his zanpakutō as Isane attacks him. Unohana infers that he has used his research to form a zanpakutō that can move through both space and time. Inaba confirms this and then retreats. As Chad is confronting the false Renji, the real Renji appears and attacks his imposter, both eventually defeating the reigai. Meanwhile, Nozomi explains to Kon that the human world has several natural Senkaimon, some leading to empty voids. Her plan is to enter one and vanish, rendering Inaba unable to capture her. The reigai of Rukia, Rangiku, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Hisagi and Ōmaeda appear to apprehend her, but they are confronted by Ichigo, who unleashes a powerful Getsuga Tenshō, destroying them all.