The recap ends after Ichigo's invitation by Hirako to join the Vizards, his first battle with Yammy witnessed by Ulquiorra in the world of the living and interruption by Urahara and Yoruichi Shihōin, his training with the Vizards to improve his hollow powers, his first fight with Ulquiorra using his hollow powers, his final match with Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez and his triumph over Ulquiorra in his altered hollowfied form are shown. Aizen had been recording all of his battles and had set up the events that occurred up to this point as well. Aizen then reveals that he knew about him since his birth, trying to tell Ichigo he is part human, but his speech is interrupted by Ichigo's father, Isshin Kurosaki, in Soul Reaper form. After putting some distance along with Ichigo from Aizen, Isshin tries to tell his son that he will reveal the truth about his actions later, but Ichigo tells him that there is no need for that as he realizes he is indeed half Soul Reaper. Isshin then attacks Aizen, while Ichigo confronts Gin.