Rukia rushes back to the sixth division headquarters and reunites with Renji Abarai. However, Byakuya's status remains unknown after the night of the rebellion. Ichigo and Yoruichi arrive in the Soul Society and split up to search for clues. Rukia returns to Byakuya's compound, only to find Sode no Shirayuki there. Rukia tries to reason with her zanpakutō, but Sode no Shirayuki demands her freedom. After a fierce battle, Rukia loses to Sode no Shirayuki, but Ichigo arrives to rescue her from being frozen to death. However, due to his reluctance to harm Rukia's zanpakutō, he too is defeated by Sode no Shirayuki. Rukia attempts to get Sode no Shirayuki back to her by telling the zanpakutō how important she is to her. Using her kidō powers, she constrains herself with Sode no Shirayuki as an attempt to convince Sode no Shirayuki that one could not live without the other. However, the resulting explosion injures Rukia severely. Sode no Shirayuki has a change of heart and attempts to reach out to her mistress, but Muramasa arrives and holds her back. Muramasa introduces himself to Ichigo and states that he is a zanpakutō.