Kumoi schedules Lurichiyo's wedding for the following day, and Kenryū and Enryū realize that he will replace her with an imposter if Lurichiyo does not return for the wedding. Ichigo goes to speak with Lurichiyo, who reveals that she knew about the true goal of the assassins and Kumoi's connection to them, feeling guilty that Chad and Uryu were injured. She escapes into the Soul Society, intending to participate in the marriage to keep Kumoi in line; however, when she arrives on the other side, her eyes have gone blank and she expresses no desire to leave. Ichigo, Rukia, Kenryū and Enryū attempt to follow them, but are unable to reach Lurichiyo, as Kenryū and Enryū have been blamed for kidnapping her. On the day of the wedding, the four enter the compound to retrieve Lurichiyo, but second division captain Suì-Fēng and several members of the second division surround them, and Lurichiyo does not respond to Ichigo's calls to her.