Hyakurin commissions Shira to kill Magatsu who has left O-Ren again for a while. Anotsu receives a letter saying that the Shingyoutou-ryū has a similar philosophy to the Ittō-ryū. Shira returns, and casually tells Hyakurin that not having found Magatsu, he killed O-Ren, much to her annoyance. Meanwhile, Rin talks to Manji about what Anotsu and Makie have said to her, not knowing what to do and feeling confused. He reminds her that those of the Ittō-ryū who actually took part in the suffering and death of Rin's parents are technically no longer alive. Magatsu returns and sees O-Ren's lifeless body, finally realizing how much she had loved him, while the inn-owner berates him for failing to protect her. Yaobikuni passes by Manji's house and tells Rin that Manji is confused, but that Rin is only hesitating and should be strong and follow her own path. When Manji returns Rin has a newfound conviction to train and pursue her ambition to become a swords-woman. Rin abolishes her hesitations and trains with utter devotion. It is foreshadowed that the Mugai-ryū is tactically preparing to battle against the Ittō-ryū, which Habaki has had under surveillance. The paths taken by all the surviving characters are shown as the episode comes to a close.