As punishment for his selfish actions, Durham is executed by Creed after insulting Train. This event leads Charden to question if he should continue being a member of the Apostles, wondering what Kyoko thinks of Durham's death. Both didn't like him, but think killing him is going to far; they leave the Apostles of the Star. Resuming her normal life, Kyoko hears about "Heart Day", deciding to make a chocolate sweet for Train. In the meantime, Creed has learned of their defection and decides to let Doctor Kanzaki do as he pleases with the matter; Leon suggests the Doctor use Kyoko as a test subject for the nanotech "Lucifer" bullets. Kyoko tracks Train down and attempts to giv him her gift, but another Sweeper bumps into her and ruins it. Angered, she tries burning him, but is stopped by Eve and Train. Doctor soon arrives and fires the nanotach bullet at Kyoko, but Train takes it instead.