Despite the batteries failing to arrive, Rentaro begins the attack on the swarm of incoming Gastrea by using the light from the thousands of paper lanterns released by Seitenshi due to the Genan Festival. With help from their comrades, Rentaro and Enju manage to locate and plant the bomb inside the Aldebaran. However the bomb fails to explode and Rentaro opts to sacrifice himself to detonate it. However Shoma steps in instead and attacks the Aldebaran using his reverse Tendo style thus detonating the bomb at the cost of his life. The next day, in the aftermath of the Third Kanto Battle, Enju relays their victory to Rentaro while reconstruction of Monolith 32 commences. Sometime later, Kisara summons Kasumitsu and hands over the evidence she obtained linking him to the corruption behind Monolith 32, in exchange for a duel to the death. Kisara mercilessly uses her special Tendo style to sever Kasumitsu's leg, forcing him to confess the plot to kill their parents ten years ago, after which he grotesquely succumbs to his injuries. But that first attack finally killed Kasumitsu, splitting him in half. Kisara's method of revenge angers Rentaro but the former berates him for not having the will to see justice through, no matter how "evil" it may seem—leaving Rentaro to ponder that he may become her enemy someday.