After spotting the Pleiades Gastrea, Rentaro and Kagetane attack and destroy it. Pleiades' demise sends the Aldebaran into a frenzied attack on the civil officer encampment which claims Nagamasa's life. This instantly promotes Rentaro to commanding status due to being the next highly ranking officer. Kagetane and Kohina later boldly stride into the encampment and find themselves accused of the previous Promoter's murder, with Rentaro defending them. Rentaro later visits Midori after her fatal Gastrea encounter, prompting her to run off and commit suicide to not burden the rest of the adjuvant. In pain at Midori's death, Shoma has Rentaro swear to defeat the Aldebaran and the latter uses his new authority to assert an authoritarianist command over the remaining civil officers while Shoma pairs up with Nagamasa's Initiator, Asaka Mibu. At that moment, Miori arrives at Rentaro's request and proposes a bomb capable of destroying the Aldebaran from the inside. Finally, as nightfall approaches, the civil officers aided by Shiba Heavy Weapons prepare to face Aldebaran at the Flames of Revolution. Unbeknownst to them though, Takuto attempts to sabotage the operation by disposing of the batteries for the spotlights needed to locate the Gastrea.