With the transition from the quarter-finals to the semi-finals, Blader Gai announces the four Bladers left in Neo Battle Bladers. Consisting of Shinobu Hiryūin, Kira Hayama, Sakyo Kuroyami, and Zyro Kurogane. Subsequently, he details the two battles that will compromise the semi-finals that will later lead to the finals and declare the winner of the tournament. The two battles will consist of Zyro vs. Sakyo with the second as Shinobu vs. Kira. As the audience is loud in its cheering of its competitors, Tsubasa and Madoka are still concerned with DNA. Mal even shows them footage of some of the semi-finals battles via her laptop, trying to comfort them in their DNA scruples. As the evening shifts to nighttime, Shinobu has come to Bey Park along with some friends in order to undergo extensive training prior to his fight with Kira. At first he is fighting Ren as her Thief Phoenix battles Ninja Salamander...