Yu has lost to Masamune and the next battle will begin, which is Kyoya Vs Tsubasa. Before the event, they have gone through serious training to beat each other. The time finally comes for the match. Kyoya and Tsubasa ready their beys and then the battle begins! Kyoya is determined to win and attacks Tsubasa's bey. Just as Tsubasa seems about to lose, the dark power from his previous battle with Ryuga overwhelms him. A while later, Tsubasa's dark side takes total control and then Eagle tries to push Leone into the stadium floor! But then Kyoya stopped Tsubasa and won. Tsubasa's pet eagle was what let Tsubasa control his dark side again. the harsh cry of the eagle brought him back to the reality of the battle. Gingka went over to congratulate Kyoya, but he said that beating Gingka was his one and only goal and then leaves, leaving Tsubasa a spot in the World Championships team.