Takao and Kyojyu are safe on dry land once again but are totally baffled trying to figure out why Kyojyu and Hiromi were targeted by the two mystery men. The best that they can deduce is that two factions are out to steal the bit-beasts of all the members of the Bladebreakers. This leads them to wonder about Kai, who supposedly has retired. The episode cuts to Kai's prep school, where a curious student named Minami (Wyatt in the English dub and versions based upon it) is all over Kai trying to get him to come out of retirement and show him a few pointers on how to blade. Kai ignores him until an unnamed beyblader starts attacking Kai to force him out of his retirement. Kai tries to hide Dranzer, but Minami steals it to battle the unnamed beyblader. In no time, the attacker wins, but Kai decides to fight the rematch. The fight is fierce and ends in a draw. After the battle, Kai decides to come out of his self-imposed retirement because he believes he has at last found a worthy opponent.