Takao heads to the park to meet Kyojyu, who has a plan to get Dragoon back "on line". But when Kyojyu and Hiromi are kidnapped, Takao is forced to jump through a series of hoops set out by their captors, which test his speed and determination. After successfully completing their orders, Takao arrives on a harbor and jumps aboard an unmanned boat, while being watched from the distance by Mister X. Takao then finds himself on a ship equipped with a fancy computer system – and his friends, locked in a glass-walled cage. A mysterious voice challenges Takao to a battle and he accepts, having the lives of Kyojyu and Hiromi at stake. Takao's opponent is a robot, it can read his every move before he makes it and Takao is easily defeated twice. After his second loss, the walls of his friend's cage begin to close in, but Takao begs for a third chance and is finally able to call upon Dragoon. However, under orders from an unnamed purple-haired man, the scientists that had been monitoring him try to have Dragoon captured. Takao manages to muster up some strength to set Dragoon free, destroy the robot, knock its beyblade out and save his friends. As they leave the ship, Ozuma is once again shown watching them from the distance.