With Nizuma's ultimatum clearly set, only seven weeks remain until the end of CROW. Yujiro decides to inform the entire editing department of Nizuma's intentions, much to their frustration but eventually decide to do all they can for their authors to surpass CROW. As the weeks close in, everyone does their best to improve their manga, with Fukuda introducing a new character in Road Racer Giri and Takahama beginning a new story arc for Mikata's Justice while utilizing their cover spreads. As Ashirogi Muto decide how to compete against Nizuma, they decide to utilize the strength that PCP possesses: its unconventionaliy and introduce a mysterious new anti heroic character called "Sigma". As the results come in, CROW remains 1st while Road Racer Giri and Mikata's Justice place 2nd in consecutive weeks followed by PCP, with the editing department's favorite for beating CROW being Mikata's Justice. However, with everyone's manga greatly improving, the voting gap closes between everyone else and Nizuma. Hattori is able to secure a colored centered page for Ashirogi Muto in the 36th issue of Shonen Jack. After brainstorming, they come up with an idea to plant a hidden message within the colored page, which would only become apparent once the readers finish their chapter and with this, Ashirogi Muto challenge CROW.