Mira and Baron are stuck on Earth with Dan, Runo and Julie so Mira decides that they need to take a break so they go to an amusement park. Mira and Julie are separated from the rest of the group and run into Spectra and Gus who say that they came back to Earth by tracking down Dan's Gauntlet to the amusement park. Mira wants to know if Spectra is her brother Keith so she decides to brawl against him. However, Gus rearranges their little deal so she battles Gus instead. If she wins, Spectra takes off his mask but if she loses, she has to join the Vexos against Prince Hydron. At first Mira struggles against Gus' abilities, but with help from the "original" Subterra master Julie and her copycat ability card, Mira pulls through and defeats Gus. Despite Gus attempts to dissuade Spectra, he removes his mask and is revealed to truly be Mira's brother Keith! Mira is now feeling very sad because she knows now that her brother is on the dark side.