Ikki escorts the Heroine home, where she gets a text message from an unknown person about a "daily report." On the street, wondering what Ikki's real personality is, she encounters the man with long green hair who greets her and gives her confusing advice before departing. When the heroine returns to work, she learns that a trip into the forest is scheduled. The date matches the trip when she fell from the cliff, but only Ikki's fan club is going on the trip this time. The heroine gets a call at home from Ikki, but he is drunk, and he expresses his distaste for his fangirls, except for the heroine. The heroine goes on the trip into the forest with the fan club. When they are alone, Ikki tells her that when he was younger, he wished on a falling star that girls would fall in love with him, and it came true: any girl who looks into his eyes falls for him instantly. But over time he has come to despise the superficial levels of affection he receives. He cares for the heroine because his supernatural charm does not work on her, and her affections for him are genuine.