Ikki and the heroine go on a date to see a movie, and Ikki asks the heroine to come up with a request for him to grant. After thinking, she tells him to escort her to work tomorrow. He tells her that it's an odd request, but he'll grant it. At home, as the heroine starts to go to sleep, still confused, Orion reappears in her room. He reveals that the heroine's experiences were not a dream, and that she might have somehow traveled to another world. Before he's able to explain any further, he vanishes mid-sentence. At work, her manager's personality is once again different, but Ikki helps the heroine through the day, sparking her memories of him. One of her other coworkers advises the heroine that she shouldn't date Ikki because she heard a rumor that he always dumps girls after three months. The heroine sees Ikki and Kent arguing with each other, and they act as if they are about to physically fight each other. The heroine jumps in between them and falls since she's so clumsy, and hits her head. When the 3 of them go to Ikki's house she realizes that they were only talking about a way to beat each other at a mind puzzle game.