Mimori gives Kanata her thanks for helping her get this far, restating her promise that they will both be successors some day. Meanwhile, Chieri is awaiting the results, having said to Tsubasa that she wants to quit 00 if she is announced as she felt she didn't earn her votes, to which Tsubasa responded that if she is elected, she must tell the fans directly that she is quitting. The next set of places go to Sae, Tomochin and Kojiharu, whose speeches help Nagisa understand what the general elections are all about. Conflicted about what she should do, Chieri enters a panicked state when she is announced in sixth place. However, she overcomes her state to announce her love for her fans, saying that she'll continue doing her best. As the next set of places go to Mayuyu, Yukirin and Sayaka, Nagisa starts to have an unnerving feeling. Second place is awarded to Minami, who gives her thanks to everyone who helped her get this far. Yūko is then announced as the winner, where she states her true goal is still to surpass Atsuko and become Center Nova. After the ceremony, Nagisa overcomes her fears and vows to face Chieri head on.