Mylene is assigned to track an Eastern bloc cyborg called Sam. Mylene encounters him as if by accident, and he takes her in, but he appears to have little interest in her and is more interested in playing Jazz with his friends. Mylene and Sam gradually become close, spending a lot of time together while he plays his music. Suddenly, one night he says he planted a bomb in her body and explains that he knows all about her and her mission, and that the bomb will explode when the LP record he is playing ends. He reveals that he and his network of spies from the East and West have been exchanging secret information through their music for years because they deplore war and want to keep the balance of power equal. The music ends, but he explodes instead of Mylene, leaving her sad and tearful. Later, it is announced that there is a softening of relations between the East and West, and trade restrictions will be eased.