Shamrock analyzes Sakuya's right hand and determines that Sakuya/Asumi is a partial lost one, since her hand has been absorbed by the system (leading to the real-life tingling and the fact that she can feel things in-game that are done to that hand). Sakuya also tells Shamrock that on the night that Mac Anu was invaded, Eri improved for a little while in real life before going back deeply into her coma, proving that the corrupted Eri they saw in game was connected to the real Eri and that the data drain temporarily helped her. Shamrock expresses a suspicion that the corrupted data might target a large-scale event next, but she doesn't have enough evidence to shut down the event. She warns Sakuya to not log in again for a while, since she's the target. Tobias then goes to the event to investigate a strange forum post Asumi told her about. While there, Tobias sees that the players actually feel the pain of the attacks, and then some massive data bugs show up. As Asumi scrolls through forum posts, she sees a post about the data bugs and tries to call Iori. Iori doesn't respond as she has been pulled into the game like everyone else in that event. As Tobias, Iori leads the other players in defending themselves against the data bugs. Just then, Sakuya logs on and comes to help. While defending herself, Sakuya accidentally deletes the data bug with her "lost" hand, allowing the others a chance to escape. As they try to escape, they find themselves being chased by an enormous statue that has been animated by the corrupted data...